a surreal tactical narrative RPG

set in a city that falls into the same shared dream every night

explore the city’s day-night cycle, encounter enemies inside dreams,

master turn-limited tactical combat, & solve a world-spanning conspiracy

For 18 years, all residents of the city Cai Mons awake each night inside a shared dream space. No one knows how the dream first started, but residents have adapted to their abnormal reality & embraced their twofold lives.

We follow our protagonist, a young woman named Char, as she’s mysteriously beckoned to the dreaming city. Leaving her safe suburban life behind, she now must find belonging amongst Cai Mons’ strange inhabitants.

But nothing about Char’s new life will be simple. The world government has declared the shared dream a contagion & has walled off Cai Mons in hopes of finding a “cure”.

Now somebody, or something, is threatening to tear down the fragile threshold between the waking and dream worlds.

Unravel a mystery

What is causing the citizens of Cai Mons to sink into the same shared dream each night? Who, or what, is corrupting the city’s collective consciousness? What are their intentions for the citizens, and what will become of the rest of the world should they too fall into the dream?

Uncover the truth behind the dream, save the city, and expose the power seeking to use the dream for their own control.

Dream Dungeon Encounters

As night falls on Cai Mons, sink into the shared surreal world where the city’s collective consciousness forms bizarre, labyrinthian dream dungeons.

Face monsters through a choice of head-on tactical combat or a lyrical conversational conflict system.

Be rewarded with new Paths, items, and abilities.

Daytime Exploration

By day, leave your way through the interlocking, layered city of Cai Mons.

Interact with the dynamic community through dialogue to uncover secrets & acquire strange new abilities.

Build relationships with local leaders & strengthen your bonds with characters who will aid you along your journey.

Conflict in the dream can be resolved in two ways - tactical turn-limited combat using an ability system called “Paths”, or a lyrical battle of wits through a conversational system called “Shaping.”

With the tactical Paths system, each combatant can equip two different sets of abilities. Through a limited set of turns, players must choose which abilities to use from their set Paths.

Each turn ramps power & specificity. Follow a single Path for massive finishing move. Or mix & match between Paths for creative combos and dire escapes.

Paths are gained in the waking world through all sorts of quests and interactions.

With the lyrical Shaping system, each enemy encounter prompts a brief narrative exchange that introduces a weird, wild, surreal scenario. Navigate the exchange using dialogue options limited by what Path is equipped at the start of the encounter.

Succeed by matching the enemy’s dream logic & tone in a battle of words & wits.

Mixed successes or failures are possible, making for unpredictable & fascinating results.